
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Corpus Visit

Katherine and Bobo
Katherine and Mimi- LOVE her dress and bow.

Katherine and Blanca!
Katherine and I travelled to Corpus for my granddad's 60th anniversary of practicing law.  He is finally retiring, although I'm not sure how he's going to stay away from the office!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Kitchen update

But first...check out Katherine- loves to stand these days and can stand on her own for long periods of time.  Here she is on one of her activity tables.  She's so tall!

And now for the kitchen- after sheetrock.

New opening where the wall was...built-ins were on the other side.  We gained about three feet of space here.

View from the living room.

Katherine loves having more room for her Rocket!

View of the new cabinets- the painters are in process of staining in these pictures.  

One floor to ceiling cabinet, with pull outs since they are over 30 inches deep! And the bottom cabinet is a trash pull out for a FULL SIZE TRASH CAN in the kitchen- wooohooooooo.  Next will be our refrigerator and finally three base cabinets for storage.  We will have a 36 inch slab of granite on top for prepping/ entertaining/ eating!

The other side of the kitchen stained. Sealer, granite and backsplash will happen next week!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Emily Base came to watch my swim lessons this weekend and she got some great shots!  Check out my moves!

Oh, and I love crawling...I especially like to keep an eye on the painters outside...I like to cross the threshold these days from inside to out.  Mommy, don't leave the door open or I'm leaving this joint!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting ready for Easter!

We celebrated Daddy's new job with some fun balloons!

Check on my honey bunny!

Trying on my swim suit and crocs! (Crocs from Hannah!) 

Getting out some airport wiggles on the floor with mom

Tasting California grass in Indio!

I see DUCKS!!!

Mom's night out with Daddy and Kar!

Peek-a-boo...I see you!