
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


We got Katherine a potty because she seems interested and it never hurts to start introducing early...well...she sat on it on day ONE and took a Poo...in the living room..in her diaper!  But at least she was sitting on it!

Playdate at Northhaven Park- this pic was missing Lydie and Gus, but they were there! =)

Arboretum- Children's Adventure Garden.  We went for our second Preview day since it isn't open to the general public yet, and we loved it!  Katherine and I had our picture taken by the Dallas Morning News in the children's maze on this day.  We'll see if we get published!

15 month Stats- wowzers!

27 lb- 96.52% weight
33.25 inches- 100% height
18.31 inches- 67%- head circumference


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rangers Game and Bachman Lake

K went to her first Rangers Game- she loved the kid's play area!

Mom was scared on the slide...it was BIG!

Climbing to great heights!

Sailor girl with Daddy!

Feeding the ducks at Bachman Lake with second cousin, Tom- from Boston!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Extending the garden again!

Last weekend, Jerad and I grabbed our shovels and extended our flower bed again.  The last  loop on the left was our progress for the day.  Little by little!

And my crazy girl wearing a crazy headband!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

snaps tonight

Visit with Mimi

Mom and Baby ready for playgroup!

Katherine loves her baby! Such a big girl!

Pedicure with Mommy

Mommy had a weekend away in New Orleans with Dad, Mom, and Matt!

Pretty Parents

New Kicks!

Yum yum- trying out Sno Dawgs!

Tasting Daddy's strawberry "Laker" cake!  K loved adding the sprinkles