
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Monday, June 29, 2015

June 2015

K is 3 yrs, James is 10 months

Tball time

Visit with Mimi!

Shopping with James


Standing on GB's football

"shopping" at the mall

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

More Summer and Happy Bday Jerad

His first cake

Fun with friends


Watching Sis

Summer Reading program at the library

Dad's second bday celebration

Inn and Out!

Killing slugs with salt in the garden

Casa Navarro sillies for James

Summer Camp at LLUMC with Alice and Wyatt

Dad's 3rd bday cake

Summertime Activities!

This is my favorite time of the year- no schedule and just fun fun fun outdoors!

Pool time!

Dance Camp

Time on the swings


More dance

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summertime Sillies


Photo Sess

Splash Pad


Covering up for the park

Grocery Shopping these days

Smores just for fun

The next morning…waffles!


SMU and Ice Cream

Clap Clap!