
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Newborn pics

I could pretty much die looking at these- I know everyone loves pictures of their children and I know we're biased, but I've got nothing but love for this beauty!  Here are a couple shots!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A few of K

no captions needed as this is the best i can type with a newborn in my arms :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Newborn Products I love

Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets-  they are really big and lightweight.  Katherine likes them because she doesn't get too hot in them and it allows her a little flexibility with her arms-  she likes to suck on her fists when she gets hungry.  They are the perfect weight for summer.

Our bouncer-  thank you Emily Feuille!  Katherine is currently sleeping in the bouncer which is in the pack n play so it's level with our bed and I can access her quickly.

Target nursing tanks-  I've used some of the bras too, but the tanks are great because you just have to pull down one layer to feed.  With the bra, you have to pull up your top then down on the bra- lots of work when you have a hungry baby!

Dundee Burp Cloths- we go through these like crazy- Mama Bonilla's suggestion- she knows best!  They are soft, absorbent, inexpensive (like 9 cloths for 6.99), and always accessible.  I like my pretty burp cloths, but I think we'll save them for parties/ outings!

Giraffe!  We actually got two- one from Camille and one from Ashley- THANK YOU!  Talk about a life saver.  The 45 minute white noise konks Katherine out every time. Not to mention, Jerad and I like the noise too!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


 Cant believe I was pregnant for 40 weeks, had a baby and am now a mom.  Unbelievable!
The morning of- no makeup..kinda scary...final weight gain 42 lbs.

Jerad is over the moon!

Waiting for Katherine's arrival.  

OMG- out she came in 25 minutes-  this girl was ready!  8 lbs, 11 ozs, 20.5 inches

I love this pic of three generations- its a framer!

Hi baby girl!  We love you so much!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Trim Paint

This week, we had ALL the trim in our house painted Dover White.  This is the color we've been slowly converting the house to, as we've re-done rooms (i.e. the front three rooms after putting in the wood floors).  I painted the hallway trim myself and it literally took me the whole weekend- such a beat down!  So this time, I decided to outsource!

A couple pictures of different rooms-  in the Jack and Jill, we had them paint the cabinets the same crisp, clean white!
 Katherine's room- all floor boards, closets, and doorways painted too!
 Our bedroom- they painted all window sills as well!  I re-arranged the furniture a bit.
 The other side of our room- Jerad and I swapped sleeping sides so I can pull either the bassinet or the pack n play bassinet up right next to me during the night.  Both have wheels and fit nicely on the right side of our bed!  Gotta love the size of our master.
 The hallway- since they were doing the whole house, I had them add a top coat to my previous work.  Nice, crisp, clean and READY FOR THE BABY!