
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer Time- nine weeks

The other day I got Katherine dressed and ready for some pool time with neighbors.  Too bad once I got there, they wouldn't let people in the pool because of lightning in the distance.  Better safe than sorry, so we just hung out for a while.

Katherine's friend Jack!

Baby girl in her bikini
 Our first 'almost' pool time
 Checking out our hat options at home
 Will and Kim, we're ready for Florida!  We have hats, swimsuits, sunscreen and swim diapers!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Videos of Katherine

I've loaded a ton of videos to You Tube.  Check them out!

Nine Weeks

Bath time with Daddy

I love eating my fist! 

Bedtime nightgown!
 Check me out!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sleep Situation

Katherine started out sleeping in her bouncer.  We initially tried to transition her directly to the crib, but she figured us out, so I decided Baby Steps would work better.  Happier baby, happier mama. 
We moved her to the bassinet without a problem, but then she was getting too long and her feet touched the end, so it was time for the next step.  I bought pack n play fitted sheets so we decided to try that next as she still sleeps in our room.

I wanted to make sure she could sleep flat, wiggle around so she can grow, yet still feel cradled and loved all before the first of August for Will and Kim's Wedding.  They are getting married in FLorida and the hotel will be providing the Pack N Play.  The pics below show how I've put this together.  The thing around her head is the insert that we bought for her carseat.  We used this when she was little bitty in the car when she didn't have any head control.  But as we've practiced tummy time, baby girl has gotten so strong!!  Then, I added a comfy blanket on top to keep her warm and two bumpers on either side to make her midsection feel secure.  She still loves being swaddled even though her arms fight their way out almost every time now.  

Looking forward to Florida and Sleeping flat!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

8 Weeks

We had our 2 month check up (and shots) last week.  Baby girl weighed 12 lbs, 4 ozs (90th percentile),  was 23 inches long (81 %), and I can't remember her head circumference but she was in the 75th %!  So proud of her!  The doctor said her growth now is due to mama's nutrition (PARTTTYYY!) and that her measurements between 1 year-2 years will depend on her genetics.  So we'll see!
 We made a trip to HBK for lunch with the ladies!

Bath time!

Mimi came in town and we made a stop by Tootsies!  Regan- she's wearing your DVF for GAP.  Thank you!

Will and Kim popped by for a visit- love you, uncle Will.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

More pics from her Seventh Week!

Happy 4th!

Going on a walk!

My watermelon onesie!

 My morning face- just waking up!

Monday, July 9, 2012


I feel like Katherine and I have a pretty good schedule these days.  On days when she naps well, I'm able to get tons done around the house.  One day this week, I was able to do a Yoga video then play in my garden!  Check out my pics from my backyard.  I think it looks pretty good for having a newborn!

I do miss being outside all the time.  I took Katherine on a walk in the stroller once this week too- she has to be in the right frame of mind to walk in this heat!  (we walked around one block 0.6 miles at 8am- only 80 degrees!)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Diaper Wreath

A couple weeks ago, I made a diaper wreath for my friend, June.  I'm not very crafty, but I was pleased with how it turned out.  This is actually not the finished product.  I added some real bows to the bow at the top and a couple other small bows around the wreath.  All useful stuff for a new baby girl!

Johnson and Johnson bath products, Size 1 diapers, Destitin, Teethers, Washclothes, Bibs, Caps, and Bows!

Can't wait to meet her baby girl!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pics of me when I was little

I see a little of Katherine in both pictures.  Still not sure who she resembles more!

Mom and me

Me, Clay, Dad

Monday, July 2, 2012

Other pics- 5-6 weeks

 Katherine with Bobo
 Drew loved Medieval Times- his knight won!!
 Drew loved Gigi's cupcakes too!