
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sleep Situation

Katherine started out sleeping in her bouncer.  We initially tried to transition her directly to the crib, but she figured us out, so I decided Baby Steps would work better.  Happier baby, happier mama. 
We moved her to the bassinet without a problem, but then she was getting too long and her feet touched the end, so it was time for the next step.  I bought pack n play fitted sheets so we decided to try that next as she still sleeps in our room.

I wanted to make sure she could sleep flat, wiggle around so she can grow, yet still feel cradled and loved all before the first of August for Will and Kim's Wedding.  They are getting married in FLorida and the hotel will be providing the Pack N Play.  The pics below show how I've put this together.  The thing around her head is the insert that we bought for her carseat.  We used this when she was little bitty in the car when she didn't have any head control.  But as we've practiced tummy time, baby girl has gotten so strong!!  Then, I added a comfy blanket on top to keep her warm and two bumpers on either side to make her midsection feel secure.  She still loves being swaddled even though her arms fight their way out almost every time now.  

Looking forward to Florida and Sleeping flat!

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