
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Friday, August 31, 2012

15 weeks!

Playing with my silly girl!

 Big girl sitting up in bed!

 Wild thing bed time

 Watching Clueless...not the best programming, but it was Dad's choice.  Lol

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bye Bye Hot Tub!

After a couple conversations, we decided to sell our hot tub.  The maintainence light came on and Jerad's tired of maintaining it week after week.  We rarely get in it anyone...I haven't been in since before I was pregnant!

So we listed on Craigslist and sold it within a day!  Here are some after pictures of our patio....soooo much more room now...maybe we can finally get a table?!!?

Monday, August 27, 2012

A few quick pics of 14 weeks

We went to the dr this week because baby girl's eye has a little infection- darn blocked tear duct!  GRRRR  She weighs 14 pounds, 9 ounces and is currently eating 6.5 ounces per bottle while I'm away at work.  She's growing like a weed!  I feel like she's getting ready for a growth spurt because she's chunked up the last couple days...getting ready to stretch!  =)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

13 Weeks- Florida

Chilling in Miami's airport, waiting for our flight to Key West!
 Mom, Bobo, and me at Will's cocktail party before his reception. 

Clay, Mimi, and Stephanie went snorkeling

Breathing the fresh air on our waterfront balcony
 Mimi and Stephanie enjoying Lobsterfest
 In the airport on the way home!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

12 weeks

Hello- love my Kissy Kissy nightie!
 Rockin my 14.99 Walmart umbrella stroller- totally ready for Florida!
 Bath time crazy hair- compliments of Daddy
 I found this idea in my Parenting magazine.  I think I'll try this for our next baby's nursery!

Monday, August 6, 2012

11 weeks

She's still sweet...even when she's ready for bedtime!

After a morning at the salon with mommy, we met Daddy at Urban Taco for lunch!
 INSANITY workout with daddy!
 Check out my head!
 Time with our nanny, Reyes 
 Hannah's first bday party!
 Lots of love peeps!

Friday, August 3, 2012

10 Weeks

My silly girl in the morning.

 Out to lunch with Daddy
 Giggles on mom's lap
 Olympics with Daddy
 Passed out after an evening bottle
 Her nose is starting to slope more like mine- here's a profile shot.  We'll see if it begins to point!
 After church- smushed face by Katherine

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Preparing for back to work

Katherine and I have been working on accepting the bottle for the last two weeks.  She's finally taking Dr. Browns Standard bottles without a fight.  She did not like the Wide Neck bottles or the breastflow.  At first, she REALLY hated taking them from me, so I had to hide behind her while she sat in the swing.  I'm glad we're over the hump!
I make Jerad give her bottles when he's home so she gets extra practice from people other than me.  So far, so good Daddy!

Katherine LOVEESSS to read books. Around 3pm everyday, I've started to read to her- nursery rhymes, Disney classics, etc.  She loves the inflection in my voice and follows the pictures on the pages.  She's going to be SOOO smart!  obviously ;)

Sorry I look so dreadful in the pic - no makeup and air dried hair :)

I made a crazy mom suggestion list with emergency numbers, what to expect, etc for Katherine.  This should help both nannies and our babysitter figure her out!