
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Because 16 weeks was just too much fun!

Here I am napping in my crib...I love sleeping on my side these days..
 An early Saturday morning with mom and dad- snuggle time

 Playing with Mimi on my mat. Thank you for the toy Gramma K- I love the music and lights!!
 Tummy time with lots of slobber on my shirt-  Shirt's from the Broadmore!  Thanks Uncle Will!
 Some new sandals for church- thank you KK and Kailey!
 New PJ's from Laura West- I love my WY gear....my bootie says Trailing a little Behind

Going for a walk- check out all my gear...am I entertained or what?!?!
 On my way to my first home SMU game!
 Got the gear on this stroller too! 

At 16 weeks...
I like to sleep on my side in a swaddle blanket
I giggle outloud
I drink 6.5 ounces per bottle of breastmilk every 3.5 hours
I wear size 2 diapers (I think we're on our last week of these) and I wear 6-9 month clothes
I rock at tummy time
I've flipped over once
I go to bed at 8:30, wake up around 2:30, then mom wakes me up before work at 6am
I take three 45 minute naps a day
I wear a bow every day

I'm a happy girl!!

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