
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fifth Month

What has she been doing lately?

  • Rolling from back to belly both ways-  she still hasn't mastered rolling from belly to back
  • Sitting up on her own- still a little wobbly, but can manage for a couple minutes
  • SUPER smiley- loves singing, dancing, clapping, and people being super animated with her
  • Has two bottom teeth
  • Loves the outdoors- walking, tailgating, arboretum, gardening with mom etc
  • Is eating rice cereal or oatmeal in the mornings and a fruit or veggie at night-  she's tried bananas, apples, peaches, (tasted mom's plums and pears), and squash, sweet potato, green beans, carrots. We're going to try peas tonight!  So far, there isn't one she hasn't liked!
  • Mom is still nursing
  • Loves chewing on anything!!
  • Loves games with lights and noise, but also loves cuddling her baby doll
  • Sleeps on her side-  typically from 7pm - 4:45 ish, then a quick feed and back down till 7:30am
  • Takes three naps for 45 minutes
  • Loves her baby Einstein walker
  • Can basically stand on her own with a little guidance to keep her from falling over
  • is wearing 9 month clothes, size three diapers
  • Has a full head of light blondish hair
  • Sings in her crib for about ten minutes when she wakes up
  • Loves bath time in her whale tub (thanks Hudd!)
  • Started using a warm mist vaporizer at night with Vicks to ease nose congestion (also has a consistent hummm to help her sleep).  We didn't want to dry her out too much with the heater
  • Has brownish blue eyes
I can't believe she'll be six months on the 15th!!

We go to the dr tomorrow- can't wait to see her weight and height!

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