
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What happened during her seventh month

  • Holds her sippy cup by herself
  • Would rather mama hold the bottle for her
  • Lengthened her two naps- typically take two naps of about 1 hour to 1.5 hours and a twenty minute cat nap at 5pm (first nap at 9am, second nap at 1pm)
  • Has been waking up at 6:30 to hang out with daddy before work
  • Has two teeth on the bottom and two on the top
  • Wearing 12 month clothes....and some 12-18 month, 12-24 month socks, size 3 diapers
  • Rolls around quickly on the floor and is ALMOST pulling herself up to sit by herself
  • Laughs a ton...at everything...all the time
  • Loves her swing and her stacking cups, and her dancing baby doll "twinkle toes"
  • Loves reaching, grabbing, and throwing things over her side...and loves to watch mom and dad pick it up
  • Loves beans, eggs, avocado, rice
  • Is eating thicker consistencies- mashed with chunks
  • Likes to self-feed....trying to use the spoon and pick up bits of food within her fingers
  • Mom is starting to wean nursing- Katherine is now drinking eight ounce bottles of half breastmilk, half formula (Enfamil Gentleease)
  • Attends multiple playgroups a week- typically one with Emily Feuille, another with neighborhood girls, and another with NDECPTA group. 
  • Attends LA Fitness Kids Klub while mom works out
  • Has blonde-ish hair that is getting SUPER long...if she keeps pulling her bows out, we might have to get a haircut!
  • Learned to clap and wave
  • Has her teeth brushed nightly at night in the bath...loves the feeling
  • Loves to play with water bottles and has finally learned to love her Baby Einstein activity set where she can stand, jump, and move around
  • Has started talking- ta ta ta ta da da da da...has found her high pitch and loves to scream for fun...and then giggle when she realizes she made the sound
Lots more, but that's it for now. 

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