
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Monday, February 18, 2013

What happened during her 8th month

  • Is sleeping through the night!  I all of a sudden decided it was time and finally let her fuss...the first night, she fussed (not cried) for 12 minutes and that WAS IT.  She's been sleeping through ever since!  I guess that was mom's fault =)
  • Takes two naps a day
  • Loves taggies 
  • Graduated from the whale tub to a seat in the bathtub
  • Loves to splash in the tub
  • Would rather be dressed on the floor because she's too wiggly on her changing table
  • Wears size 4 diapers
  • Wears 18 month clothes
  • Loves her car in the kitchen wear she can walk around freely by herself
  • New food- mango, cantaloupe, ground beef, chicken, turkey, peanut butter sandwich, cottage cheese, lots of beans, hummus, grapes, blueberries, bagels, muffins, sausage
  • Still doesn't prefer her stomach- rocks back and forth and rolls around instead of crawling
  • Pulls to a standing position on mom or dad, but not on furniture
  • Loves her dancing baby doll from Minnie
  • Enjoys banging her spoon on her high chair
  • Is trying to feed herself with her spoon
  • Loves peek-a-boo and being shocked
  • Has two teeth on the bottom, two on the top, and two more on the top on their way
  • Loves playing fetch with Frisco
  • Enjoys music and crawling over mom and dad's bellies

Valentines gifts from the Romo's

I love my jumping ball set from Mimi and Bobo

Pretty girl for her first Valentines day!

Hippo with a heart for her first Valentines from mom and dad

Dressed with mom and ready to Parrttyyy!

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