
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Monday, March 25, 2013

St. Pats

Great pic of Mimi and Bobo in their green!

K and mommy at church

And daddy too!

I'm on the move and I love my beach ball!

Check out all my teeth!

Go go go!

Friday, March 22, 2013


Beautiful girl in the morning in her Rocket!

New couch!

Granite choice for Kitchen countertops!

Pretty girl in her big girl car seat

Fun with Daddy at Kylde Warren Park

Quick snap with mom

Friday, March 15, 2013

Quick post since it's FRIDAY!!

Check me out stretching my legs!  
I don't put Katherine in this often, but I probably should so she gets used to bending her legs and jumping.  We're taking more time to practice now. I was kinda against it in the beginning as I don't like toys being 'babysitters'.  I think it's important for me to interact with her since I have the time- I'm with her all day, so I'm teacher #1 as top priority...not a bouncer, swing, or jumper.

BoBo was in town for Big 12 women's basketball.  Katherine loveessss her BoBo!

And her DaDa.  DaDa can get the best belly laughs out of her!

Another day of basketball- it was quite chilly this day, so Katherine loved BoBo bundling her up and running inside the AAC!

And later, miss K needed a nap and was quite cozy in BoBo's arms.  He took one for the team, sitting towards the back, with less noise, while the infamous Brittney Briner achieved another Baylor victory.

Just playing with my toys one morning while mom changed my sheets.  Mom has a theory...if I have two bad nights of sleeping in a row, the sheets get changed!

And then later in the week, miss K was under the weather.  Here she is taking a two hour nap in mom's arms.  Sleeping upright for a couple days definitely did the trick...except mom caught the cold.  But it was worth it not to have a sick baby!
Check out our family pic update- four years ago and today.  Many blessings in our life!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lots of Firsts! 9 months

Katherine's grown so much over the last week!  As a recap, she's 9 months.  
Here are some 'firsts' from this week:

  • Swim lessons- although the water was chilly, she loved them!
  • Taking the lunge- she's now interested in falling over and taking the first lunge to crawl.  She lifts her body and moves one of her arms and legs, grabs what she wants, then quickly flips over and sits up.  She's definitely scooting around now...time to baby proof!
  • She wants to pull up on EVERYTHING.  Mostly mommy, but tonight she pulled herself up on one of her toys (toy borrowed from friend, Jack)...once she got it, she sat down and pulled up again multiple times in a row
  • We bought her big girl car seat today- I will install it tonight so no more infant carseat/ stroller...sigh, it's going too fast
  • And on a negative note, she had her first 'high' fever reaching 103.  Mom was scared and held her all night for three nights in a row.  After a morning of 'not quite normal', I decided to take her to the dr and she had a mild ear infection in one ear.  So she's taken her first antibiotic.  Boo.  Through and through, she was still a happy baby.  Note to self for future colds.  This kid only told me she was sick by the fever!
  • She is trying to feed herself-  I put a piece of avocado on her spoon one day this week, and she concentrated, balanced and got it in her mouth!  So crazy!  Below is a picture of Kiwi- lol
  • Went to our first Open Gym at Walnut Hill Rec- we jumped on the trampoline, played with balls, and did barrel rolls!

And more pictures just for fun!

Check out my pretty dress and tights!  Dress from second cousin, Chrissy and tights from Gramma K

PS- check out my awesome bloomers!  Bloomers from Stephen Telorico

But here I am a la natural!  Girl, look at this body...girl, look at this body!  I work out!

Wiggle worm in the morning

More pictures of Katherine

New shades and shoes

Meeting Bella, the Pig/ Dog!

I found a swing in Houston!

Waking up from a great nap in my pack n play~