
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Are all babies this crazy?

The answer- nope...Katherine's just crazy...CRAZY BUSY these days!  I'm way behind on blogging so this is what she's been into lately.

 Our athlete- dominating her shoes and outdoor toys

Mom, open this door!  She can already open the lock...it's only a matter of time until she reaches the handle

I'm not in your closet...I swear!

Let me push around my rocket!

And taste my own shoes at Nordstrom...they gave me a balloon and a stuffed animal..this place is awesome!

Check out my cup!  I love water!

Playing with my own table at home...rockin my SPF gear!  Happy Summer!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Last Week- Getting Ready for her Birthday!

Mom and I visited the Bush Library!

Katherine got a bench from Mimi and Bobo

Mom and Dad bought her a slide

She made a trip with mom to the farmers market

Mom and dad had a date night!

Gramma K and Papa J got her a water activity station

The Garzas lent us their baby pool with balls....looks like her first bday party is going to be a success!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wild Thang!

Getting ready for fun in the sun!

Hehehe I'm totally guilty...I cruise in my crib these days

Playing in the water!

I love throwing balls in the water

Group shot!

My friend, Harper

My new friend, Winston!

And I love shoes...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Yikes- Recap 9, 10, 11 months

What happened during the recent months-  I tried to upload a bunch of videos on you tube- http://www.youtube.com/user/aromosmu

9 months-
Finally got the hang of eating Gerber grabbers- you can suck the food instead of being spoon fed
Swim Lessons

10 months-
Katherine started military crawling
Pulling up on everything

Walking with her walker
Crawling on all fours
Started 'doing the hula' where she free stands for a couple seconds
Cruising from one thing to the next
Taking two naps- at least 1.5 hours each
Sleeps from 7:30pm- 7am
Is currently loving birds, airplanes, bubbles, magnets, books
Can do sign language for birds and airplane
Loves giving hugs and waving bye-bye
Went to the dr because she had roseola- viral rash- boo.  BUT, we got to weigh her...23 lbs, 8 oz PEOPLE, SHE IS HUGE!
Wears 24 month clothes, size four diapers

Lots more but there's a snapshot!

Some quick snaps- I'm super behind

I love to play play play!

And eat eat eat -love blackberries and strawberries these days

And golfing outside!

And getting my pull up work out in before swim!