- Sits up without a problem for long periods of time
- Can roll over both ways
- Drinks from a sippy cup with ease
- Likes MAM pacifiers
- Is switching to two naps a day- still in progress, but I think this is what her body is trying to do
- Working on getting her to nap better during the day without me putting her in her crib completely asleep- this has been tough...I hate hearing her cry when she's never a fussy baby!
- Goes to bed by 7:30pm and sleeps till 5:30, quick feeding, then back down till 7:30 am
- Has two bottom teeth and one coming through on the top...four more are on their way
- Wearing 9-12 month clothes
- Started to get mad when you take things from her- trying to get her to share!
- Loves her books- loves to eat them as well
- Loves music- we've been singing and dancing to Christmas music this week
- Made her first road trip to Houston to visit Will and Kim
- Loves to feel the cold grass on her feet and the breeze on her face!
- Solids- she eats a full serving of oatmeal and a full gerber fruit in the mornings and a full gerber veggie at night
- I also think it's important to feed her bits of whatever we're eating- so with breakfast she tries whatever fruit I'm having with my cereal- orange (loves the juice!), apple, pear, banana, grape....at night she eats bits of veggies from our dinner- this month she tried squash, broccoli, potatoes of all kinds, onion, carrots
- Has had full servings of mixed gerber jars (2nd foods that are a little thicker in consistency) - Meat with Veggie, Mixed Veggie, Blueberry and Apple
- Has tried other table foods of ours- rice and beans, pumpkin bread, banana bread, pizza crust
- Enjoys 'baby snacks' as I call them- Mum Mum rice sticks, baby puffs, yogurt melts
- Mom is still nursing
There hasn't been a food that she dislikes so far...except she's unenthusiastic to eat Rice cereal now as it has no flavor.
There's lots more but that's all for now! Onto the 7th month!
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