
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Katherine's Baptism

Katherine was baptized this weekend by the same priest who married us 3 and a half years ago in Perkins!  The Romo's and Bonilla's came in town to celebrate.  We planned going to church for the ceremony and brunch afterwards at Fernandos.

 Clay and Stephanie are her Godparents!

 Napkins I had printed that arrived a day late- boo!

Some pics from this week- 6 weeks!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I'm proud to announce I'm back to exercising!  It feels so good to get outside and expand my lungs!

Now that my dr has cleared me to work out, I'm going to work on my stomach (keeping up with my calorie intake for breastfeeding, of course!).  I've been running around the block this week- just 1.2 miles to start, but at least I'm not stopping in this Texas heat!  I've run 3 out of the last 4 days, and did an insanity work out DVD the other day with Jerad, Lindsay and Karen.  Insanity was one of Jerad's father's day gifts! So far the progress is good.  I'm really not sore (surprisingly) and obviously the 1.2 miles is a short duration to be away from Katherine and the house, but it's a good start.  Good for the mind, good for the body!

Some new pics-

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jerad's Bday

Jerad turned 29 on the 15th!  We celebrated with a quick breakfast at home (set up the night before in case I was still sleeping with Katherine)....
 And dinner at Campisi's with Jerad's mom, sis, my brother Matt, and Katherine!  Shockingly, this was the first time I've had to feed Katherine out in public (at a restaurant).  I've feed her many times out shopping =) ...Nordstrom, Macys, the nail place, etc.
 Baby girl in the car seat ready to go!
 One afternoon taking a nap with mom!
 Another day snoozing- look how well she's doing with her pacifier now!
 Nap time before church with Daddy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Body Changes

It blows my mind that I now have a baby- I can't believe I went from looking like this...at a final weight of 175 pounds - right at 40 pounds at delivery

May 7th

May 10th- five days before delivery

My weight now, at three weeks, is down to 145.  I have not down A THING other than feed my child and walk the halls at night to calm Katherine. =)  Jerad and I have taken a few strolls around the block with the family (Rusty, Frisco, Katherine, Jerad and I), but Katherine's still getting used to the car seat and the stroller and would rather be held.

  It's amazing what God can do to our bodies to take care of our children.  Pretty unbelievable.  My abs have definitely been sore since it's been 40 weeks since I worked them out!  I'm finally able to hoist myself up and get out of bed instead of rolling over on my side and toppling out of bed.  I definitely have some lovely lose skin to tighten up, but thats the furthest from my concerns for now.  My job is to make sure miss K gets the best ingredients at each and every feeding!

Some recent pics- Cuddling a burp cloth from today-

Taking a snooze

Katherine after bath time!