
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

House Maintenance

A couple weeks ago, Jerad and I did some maintenance around the house. 
We drained, cleaned and refilled our lovely green hot tub.

Here's a pic of Jerad balancing the chemicals.  He tests the levels every two weeks.

I organically fertlized the lawn with Milorganite and Ironite to balance the iron and acid in our grass.  A landscaping friend passed this tip along to us about a year ago and I've kept it up every quarter!  

It's made the biggest difference in the reduction of our weeds.  Here I am...fertilizing away!

Here's a pic of our garage..We try to keep it clean and organized.

This is my tool closet (door with the pink bag on the handle in the pic above). 
 I love the storage in this house.  Lots of room for my Home Depot purchases.

The other side of the garage with our bikes, gardening and landscaping supplies, and outdoor fridge.

 Our paint closet on the back patio.  You can't tell from the picture, but we have TONS of paint on four deep shelves and about twenty sample cans from Sherwin Williams.  I always have to get the color JUST RIGHT. 

And on a completely unrelated note- We have Green Peppers!  Yippee!

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