
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Friday, September 30, 2011


B.C. passed away a couple weeks ago.  Although I can't say that I'm not sad about it, I know he was ready and I'm pleased that he lived a full life of love, faith and happiness.  I'm going to miss many things about B.C., but I'll carry most of his characteristics with me in my heart, for the rest of my life. 

Here are a few favorite pictures from my trips to Arkansas. 

Dressed up on Sunday, ready for church

He was always concerned about his love of 68 years

On their back porch, ready for dinner

Mimi typically hurried us back from dinner so we could eat her homemade dessert

B.C. was probably sitting at the table waiting for Mimi's delicious desserts!

During every visit, he'd bring you into his office for a heart-to-heart chat...how's business? how's your married life? do you have your head on straight? make good, honorable decisions

We'd typically always make a stop for some Arkansas BBQ- B.C. was drinking his Coke from a mason jar

Sharpening his knife so he'd make perfect cuts on the Thanksgiving turkey and ham.

Most of all, B.C. loved nature....and to teach about nature 
 Picking flowers with Drew

Taking Drew for a walk around the farm

 Checking on his garden.  Unbelievable that he maintained this through his upper 80's

Picking Okra

Easter of this year- my last trip to see him healthy

The last time I saw B.C.

At the church, celebrating his life!  Lots of love to you, B.C.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. I know he will be with you every day. Love you Ash!
