
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More Christmas at the house

Another view of the tree

I've added Christmas accents all over the house- red pillows, stockings on our entertainment center, snowman bucket of ornaments on the end table next to our new king chairs (more on those later), Santa on our coffe table, feather tree on the fireplace- love it!
 Another view of our fire- Jerad and I enjoy having a fire almost nightly- makes the house warm and cozy.
 Lots of treats in the entryway- poinsetta, Santa and nutcracker on the table...and gifts from friends- standing Santa from Jerad's sister, Lindsay, wreath from Kristi, and a wooden snowman from Tiffany.
 I also made a little dessert this week-  reindeer!  Dip one side of nutterbutters in melted chocolate bark.  Make antlers from broken pretzels. Place in fridge.  The next day I used icing from a can to adhere chocolate chip eyes and M&M noses.  Done!

 Jerad helped me set the table for Christmas dinner.  We added both leaves in our $300 craigslist STEAL!
 I polished before setting.  This table makes me so happy!
 All set and ready to go- placemats- wedding gift, red chargers- used for Clay and Stephanie's rehearsal dinner (I love hand-me-downs), cranberry napkin rings from Lindsay, poinsetta decorated candlesticks, and punch bowl from my neightbor Joyce. 
 The menu's planned- let's celebrate the season!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Mr. Sewell gave us his suite for SMU vs Rice, so we were able to invite 15 friends to the game- food and drinks provided by Mi Cocina.  Jerad and I have never had the 'box treatment' at a SMU game, so it was a treat!  Here are some pics from the game.
 Brisket tacos with all the fixins', beer, wine and sodas, popcorn, brownies, chips and salsa- not too shabby!
 Our view!

 Vance loved the popcorn
 Vance and Pressley's mama, Micah!

 Pretty momma Ashley and baby Hannah
SMU ended the day with a victory!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Right after Thanksgiving I started decorating for Christmas.  I asked the handy hubby to get our decorations down from the attic. Here's a pic of our stair ladder and attic with radiant barrier =).

Lots of boxes to organize!

Decorating the tree in our red room

Final product

 In the past, we've decorated with a garland around the door and lights on our bushes.  This year we decided to be adventurous and line the house- we love it! So festive.
 It took a bit of convincing for Jerad, but once he got started, he got the Christmas spirit!
 Hard to get a good pic, but it looks great in person.  Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Jerad and I made a trip to Corpus to see the fam.  We had a blast playing with Drew.  Check out his racquetball skills!
 And all the eager men on the other side waiting to retrieve the racuqetball.
 At the King Ranch shop in Kingsville- Drew's such a ham.  Look at his cheesy smile with his 'gun'!
 He loves his Daddy!
 I made him sit for a sec to take a picture with his Sassa
 Family pic- Clay, Stephanie, and Drew

The following week was Thanksgiving- here's a pic of my table

Doesn't our lawn look lovely?  It's all about the organic fertilizer!  I'm such a believer!
 Karen and I made a yum yum turkey.
 Jim, Karen, and Jerad- ready to eat!
 Chris and Matt
Happy belated Thanksgiving.  Hope yours was as wonderful as ours!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Baby Garza

Also in late October, our best friends had a baby boy!  Victor Philip Garza!

Jerad and I went over to see them on day ONE!

So excited for them- unbelievable!

Mom and Dad on day one- I still can't believe we visited on the first day!

Some pics of his adorable nursery

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cowboy Stadium

Sewell had their Centennial Celebration at Cowboy Stadium.  They rented out the stadium and invited all employees and a guest on the field for food, games, tours, and a concert.  It was a fun afternoon!

Brother Will and Jerad in the locker room

 Boys pretending to be interviewed after the game
 Another view of the interview room
 Us in the locker room- I had more fun browsing through the cheerleaders' lockerooms.

If you're looking for a car, call my brother!  If you're in search of a job, call my husband =)

Pumpkin Bread

What have I been doing lately?  Well...lots...but we'll talk about it later.  Here's a hodge-podge of the last three months of my life.

Made some pumpkin bread forever ago-  Recipe- 1 can pumpkin, 1 Spice Cake Mix....Bake per mix directions.

I split the recipe into two batches as I needed them for two different events.  1 recipe= 2 events

Then Ice-  Powdered sugar, a dab of butter, dash of vanilla and cream cheese.  Stir until a nice, fluffy consistency develops!

Ice and enjoy!