
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pumpkin Bread

What have I been doing lately?  Well...lots...but we'll talk about it later.  Here's a hodge-podge of the last three months of my life.

Made some pumpkin bread forever ago-  Recipe- 1 can pumpkin, 1 Spice Cake Mix....Bake per mix directions.

I split the recipe into two batches as I needed them for two different events.  1 recipe= 2 events

Then Ice-  Powdered sugar, a dab of butter, dash of vanilla and cream cheese.  Stir until a nice, fluffy consistency develops!

Ice and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree there is something else you have been doing which deserves a blog post! :)
