
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

32 weeks

These pics are TMI, so you don't have to look unless you want to.  I worked in the yard last week a bit and tried to work on my tan.  Jerad snapped a couple shots.

32 weeks and 25 pounds!
 A view of my backyard garden-  I've planted more since but you get the jist.

Holy Moly mamasita!  And to think...I have eight weeks to go?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

VP and a recipe

Check out baby Garza!  He's getting so big- such a cutie.  Oh, and Will's in the pic too  ;). 

Also, I tried a new recipe from another blog.  Chicken stew with butternut squash.  Very yummy, hearty, and good for you!  Give it a try-  I've never cooked with quinoa before-  pronounced Keen-wahhh per Mamma K Romo.

Monday, March 26, 2012

New Trees!

We planted some new trees this weekend- with the help of Calloway's, we think we made good decisions for fast growing, colorful, hearty trees.  In the front, Jerad planted a Summer Red Maple in the spot where our bradford pear once stood.
 Prepping the hole

 Our Indian Hawthornes are blooming pink and white buds!  Our pansies and petunias are still growing strong as well. 

 Good job hubby- get a tan too!
 The water girl

 In the backyard, we planted an Oklahoma Redbush.
 We'll watch these little guys grow...and we'll always remember we planted them the year Katherine was born.  Yes, everything these days relates back to the baby!  33 weeks!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Matt's Bday

Cooked dinner the other night for Matt's Bday.  We had sausage, burgers, deviled eggs, and baked beans wtih desserts from A&J's.

Burgers- I tend to season differently everytime I cook 'em.  This time I used BBQ sauce, Worchestire sauce, garlic powder, minced onion and some Jocco's seasoning from the Romo's (http://www.jockosmix.com/jockos-mix-seasoning/ - threw the meat patties with the seasonings in a large ziplock and tossed to coat overnight in the fridge.

Deviled eggs were made from this recipe-  http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/deviled_eggs/
I love the green onion in them- delicious!  I think I'll make them like this from now on.

Baked Beans and broccoli on the grill- for the broccoli, I added onions, mushrooms, and garlic, olive oil, and some rosemary.  Wrapped the bundle in foil and let it simmer on top while the burgers cook below.  Love veggies cooked on the grill this way.

Baked Beans-
2 large cans of Van Camps, pork and beans
2 T brown sugar
2 t. dried mustard
1/2 cup BBQ sauce
1 T minced onion

Combine all and bake at 350 until bubbly.  Could eat these guys all day =)

Happy 24th Matt!
 Will and I- can you tell that I'm a little tired?!?! Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ByeBye Tree

Last year one of our Bradford Pear Trees died.  We talked to an arborist about it and they suggested we continue to care for it through another season and make sure it doesn't bloom again.

So we did just that- and nada, so we hired Primitivo to chop it down. 

 Digging up the root
 Bet he was thrilled we were taking pictures of him
 Done-zo in about two and a half hours.  Now we're contemplating what to plant in it's place- we're thinking a trio of smaller trees- crape myrtels possibly?  We'll keep you updated.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Graham Cracker Coffee Cake

Mom's Recipe- this is a favorite around the house and at work!

Mix the following and set aside.
2 cups crushed graham crackers
3/4 cup chopped pecans
3/4 cup brown sugar
1.25 T cinnamon
3/4 cup butter

In a separate bowl, mix all the following.
yellow cake mix
1 cup water
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs

Spray 9X13 pryex with Pam.  Layer wet mixture, then dry mixture, then wet, then dry. 

Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes or until brown.
 Mix powdered sugar with cold water and drizzle over the top for icing.  YUMMMYY!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Visit to Arkansas

Last weekend, Jerad and I made a quick trip to Arkansas to check on Mimi.  She's doing great!  Here are a few pics of my gorgeous Mimi- at a stellar 89 years old.  Unbelievable!

Dressed and primped, ready for church

Friday, March 9, 2012

Clothes Clothes Clothes

Can we talk a minute about how ridiculously cute baby clothes are?  And they're soooo inexpensive.... I did so well early in my pregnancy resisting the urge to buy everything in sight....but lately...well it's been a different story.  I've purchased a few and have received many as gifts, so I haven't completely lost it yet.  Here a couple adorable samples!

Pastels are just precious...love the pink!
 But I honestly can't resist a little pizzaz... outfits and socks are compliments of Mama Bonilla (Mimi).

And a few more from Mimi- they have a Carter's store in Corpus- very dangerous for my mom.  I love these onesies, especially the stripped navy on the far right. 

Some gems from Aunty Stephanie.  These are going to be great for Christmas- the bell of the ball!

 I've been told by co-workers that the onesie nighties from The Children's Place are to die for.  My coworker Kristi bought miss Katherine four!  LOVE the colors and patterns!

And a few more from the Children's Place-  I couldn't resist the skirt and top on the far right!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A little TLC

This is Jerad's last week of travel for a while, so I had to take advantage of this precious "ME" time.  Once Katherine arrives, I assume I'll have way less alone time.   Here are a couple things I did this week-

Organized my jewels!  I cleaned out, paired up, and threw away any pieces that didn't have a pair (this was only one earring for me).  I have a ton, so after a while, my chest feels cluttered.  I do this every so often so I can see what I have (remind myself not to buy new stuff), and wear it!

View of the other side.

I should also mention, I really like my necklace system.  I have a row of shower curtain rings hanging in the beginning of my closet.  This allows me to hang and see multiple strands and definitely prevents them from getting tangled.  Again, if I can't see it, I don't wear it!  This way, I see what I have!

I also organized my makeup drawer.  Same motto goes-  if I can't see it, won't wear it.  Here, I can see everything neatly organized.  Guess I'm a little OCD?
 And I cleaned my brushes.  I use all of them for different things.  I LOVE having clean brushes.  Clean your brushes and trash your mascara- I don't think people do that enough!

Random stuff I trashed-  almost a whole waste-basket full.  If I don't use it, or haven't used it in a while, in the trash it goes.  I'm not much of a packrat!