
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A little TLC

This is Jerad's last week of travel for a while, so I had to take advantage of this precious "ME" time.  Once Katherine arrives, I assume I'll have way less alone time.   Here are a couple things I did this week-

Organized my jewels!  I cleaned out, paired up, and threw away any pieces that didn't have a pair (this was only one earring for me).  I have a ton, so after a while, my chest feels cluttered.  I do this every so often so I can see what I have (remind myself not to buy new stuff), and wear it!

View of the other side.

I should also mention, I really like my necklace system.  I have a row of shower curtain rings hanging in the beginning of my closet.  This allows me to hang and see multiple strands and definitely prevents them from getting tangled.  Again, if I can't see it, I don't wear it!  This way, I see what I have!

I also organized my makeup drawer.  Same motto goes-  if I can't see it, won't wear it.  Here, I can see everything neatly organized.  Guess I'm a little OCD?
 And I cleaned my brushes.  I use all of them for different things.  I LOVE having clean brushes.  Clean your brushes and trash your mascara- I don't think people do that enough!

Random stuff I trashed-  almost a whole waste-basket full.  If I don't use it, or haven't used it in a while, in the trash it goes.  I'm not much of a packrat!

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing in my bathroom over the weekend and threw away 2 trashbags full! It felt so good ; )
