
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pregnancy product shout out!

Here are a few products that I've become a fan of since being pregnant:
  • One a Day Prenatal Vitamins with DHA- Along with a balanced diet, I want to make sure my body provides full nutrients for our baby, and doesn't strip away any of my own.  And the extra DHA pill promotes brain development. I started taking these a couple months prior to being pregnant too (just in case!).

  • Snoogle Pregnancy Pillow- I'm a back sleeper, so sleeping on my side has been an adjustment.  With the help of the snoogle, I now sleep on my side.  I rotate back and forth from my left to my right to ease my back pain from pressure on my sciatic nerve.

  • OJ with Vitamin D- I've had a glass of OJ every morning of my pregnancy while getting dressed.  Not sure if it helped with morning sickness or not, but I never got sick- not once!  Vitamin D is also important for bone and teeth development of our bambino, so I wanted to make sure to get plenty! 
  • I've stayed active during my pregnancy- continuing to stretch, lift weights, and do cardio has allowed me to feel great and have steady weight gain, which is best for me and the baby.  Although I've had to tone-down my workouts a bit, I definitely feel less 'compact' when I exercise.  Mom and Dad gave me a heart rate monitor for Christmas and this has been great to ensure I'm not pushing it too hard.  They say you should be able to carry on a full conversation while working out and pregnant.

Friday, January 13, 2012

House Update

In early December, we purchased some furniture from our neighbors who were moving to a retirement community.  I love them and will miss them, but promised to take great care of their things.  Here are some of the things we bought (pictures taken in their home).  I'll show you where we incorporated in ours later.

Bed frame- old school Ethan Allen

 Coffee table with pretty legs and nice lines

Dresser- also Ethan Allen from the past

I also tried a new recipe that knocked my socks off!  http://www.pauladeen.com/index.php/recipes/view2/slow_cooker_stuffed_green_peppers/

It's Paula Deen so of course it was delicious. 

Cook a batch of wild rice (Uncle Ben's, low sodium, is what I used).  In a large bowl mix egg, walnuts, beef, onion, cheese and seasonings (I always cut the salt); then mix in the wild rice.

Top your green peppers and place in your crockpot.

Throw the remnants in your composter- look how big mine's gotten!

Stuff your peppers.

Pour chicken broth and can of tomatoes over top-  cook on low for 8 hours.

I didn't take an after picture because we were starving!  This fed us for two days and we still had leftovers that I used to make beef tomatillo enchilladas.  Can't wait a good meal!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Most people who follow this blog are family and friends, so you already know that Jerad and I are expecting!  We couldn't be more thrilled with this very special blessing.  Just before Christmas, we found out we're having a little girl!!  As we ponder names, nursery themes, and prepare to be parents, here are a couple snapshots of our journey!

This is from the day the doctor confirmed we were pregnant- 8 weeks!  Oopsies...in a VERY good way!

The proud father to be!

18 weeks- barely starting to show

19 weeks

Rockin my first pair of maternity jeans- ohhhh man, this is going to be a long journey!  Jerad's making fun of me at this point!

 21 weeks- doesn't look like much, but it feels HUGE to me

Please continue to pray for a safe delivery May 14th!  At the point that I'm writing this, I'm already 22 weeks along.  More pics to follow!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baby videos

We took videos of all our sonograms and have uploaded them to You Tube if you're interested in viewing!

While you're on You Tube, check out our adorable nephew Drew!  He's a blast to watch.


Christmas- of the people who made it!

We had a very Merry Christmas indeed.  Here are a couple snapshots from the long weekend.

Christmas Eve- Tamales and Chili after church
Jerad, Will, Mimi, and Matt

Me, Will, Mimi, Mom, Dad, Matt
 Mimi, Mom, Dad, Matt

We were blessed to have Mimi fly to Dallas from Fort Smith- her Christmas Eve gift was a beautiful scarf from Mom.  She was thrilled- she said she's used to getting one present per year.  We definitely spoiled her this Christmas =)

The ladies- I have pretty darn good genes- look how pretty they are!

Christmas morning- we had an egg casserole for breakfast, then dove into the presents!
 We all received wonderful gifts...
 Some more neccessary than others!

Later that morning, we ventured over to the boys' apartments to spoil our extended family-

Bella, Matt's Dog

Rocky, Will's dog

And Telly, Matt's new addition

We love our pets!

Christmas dinner at our table- I've never felt so blessed!