
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas- of the people who made it!

We had a very Merry Christmas indeed.  Here are a couple snapshots from the long weekend.

Christmas Eve- Tamales and Chili after church
Jerad, Will, Mimi, and Matt

Me, Will, Mimi, Mom, Dad, Matt
 Mimi, Mom, Dad, Matt

We were blessed to have Mimi fly to Dallas from Fort Smith- her Christmas Eve gift was a beautiful scarf from Mom.  She was thrilled- she said she's used to getting one present per year.  We definitely spoiled her this Christmas =)

The ladies- I have pretty darn good genes- look how pretty they are!

Christmas morning- we had an egg casserole for breakfast, then dove into the presents!
 We all received wonderful gifts...
 Some more neccessary than others!

Later that morning, we ventured over to the boys' apartments to spoil our extended family-

Bella, Matt's Dog

Rocky, Will's dog

And Telly, Matt's new addition

We love our pets!

Christmas dinner at our table- I've never felt so blessed!

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