
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Not sure what was with me last weekend, but I was more crafty than usual.  Personalizing the nursery has definitely been my favorite part.

First project- decorating a lamp shade.  We bought two dressers and a lamp from a friend who was moving out of town and the lamp shade was in bad shape.  Instead of tossing and buying a new one, I thought I'd try to 'recover' first.  The idea was kinda wild, but I really like the finished project...or at least I do for now! =)

I hot glued fake flowers to the shade.  It creates really beautiful light actually!  So suprised!

Check out our new dresser as well- I love the feet!  It's 'shabby chic', has four large drawers in the front and two large shelves on either side.  It's perfect for our changing table.  We have plenty of counter space for baskets, the changing table and a lamp.  And it was only.....$100!  SCORE!

Second project- Decorative initials.   BTW, we decided on a name- it's official -Katherine Reese Romo!

First I painted turqouise - three thick coats.

Then, on the last coat, I glittered, because WHY NOT!?  She's a girl- can never have too much glitter.

Close up with our fabric. 

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