
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Plant update

I've been loving all the rain we've been having, and obviously, my plants are loving it too!  I took a few pictures last night of their progress.  Check out my post from April 4th to see the 'before pics'.

Look how well my Cannas are doing!  I love their beautiful leaf colors.
Thank you Mrs. Drake for these wonderful bulbs!
 I planted the flowers in between the Cannas last weekend, so they are just getting settled. Most all have had their first bloom this week.
 One more look.

An update on my ferns, petunias, and herbs.  All are coming along nicely!  We've been using the herbs like crazy in the kitchen.

This is the first rose bush I've planted...it was on sale at Lowe's (b/c it was almost dead!) a couple weeks ago.  I stuck it in the ground and decide to try to nurse it back to health.  Check out my first two Roses!  I'd love to plant more in the backyard if these continue to do well.
 Front Yard- the azaleas are growing well.  I added a couple flowers in front of them as I ran out of space in the backyard for planting.  I really need to build some more flower beds!

A close up

Love this color.

I threw away the pansies that were in my front beds.  They were full, but were getting stringy because of the heat we had last week.  The rain knocked off most of the petals, but you get the jist.  The front yard has purple and red flowers...an interesting combination, but it makes me happy.  Happy Spring!

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