
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yummy Recipe

So I know this blog is supposed to be about the house, but this recipe was too yummy not to share!  I used the basics from this recipe and tweaked it a bit.  http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/tomatillo_chicken_stew/

  All ingredients are from the Earth or are things that I had on hand!  I love creative, healthy cooking!  It looks like a lot of steps, but it was really easy.

  1. I peeled and boiled eight Tomatillos. 
  2. Scooped them out and finely chopped them in the food processor.  I used the same boiling water to boil only four chicken tenders (not a ton of meat!).   Once boiled, shred and set aside (save the water for later).
  3. While the chicken was boiling, I chopped two jalepenos (seeded), half a white onion, two garlic cloves,  and a handful cillantro (from my garden!!).  I mixed those with a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, and the juice of one lemon
  4. I mixed all the above together with my tomatillos for my salsa-  YUM!  Tastes sweet yet spicy!
Up to this point I was going to make chicken enchilladas...but because I only had four tortillas, I thought it'd be a waste of time.   (if I'm making enchilladas, I normally make three for Jerad and two for me, with one or two for leftovers).. so I got on the ipad to see what else I could make with tomatillo salsa...  Tomatillo Chicken Stew!

  1. In a large pot, I added a Tablespoon or so of Olive Oil with half of an onion diced and two more garlic cloves-  simmer until translucent-ish
  2. Next I added about three cups of the water I used to boil the tomatillos/ chicken (I didn't have chicken broth on hand and thought this had enough natural flavor)
  3. Add tomatillo salsa from Part One  (probably measured out to be about 2.5 cups
  4. Add 1 fresh diced tomato and half of a green pepper (diced), a handful of cillantro (from my garden) and two cups beans (I used pinto beans that I cooked previously and had in the freezer, but you could use any kind from a can)
  5. Add shredded chicken
  6. Add seasonings-  1 t. cumin, 1 t. corrianger, 1 t. oregano
  7. Bring to a boil, then lower temp and simmer 20 or so minutes.
Delicious!  It was a definite hit with Mr. Romo served with plums and pears!

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