
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back tracking a bit

A couple weekends ago, Jerad and I drove to Austin for a quick weekend getaway.  Jerad's buddy, Kyle, lives there now and is in a boat club.  What a perfect opportunity to soak up some of this Texas heat!!

Some pics from our weekend

First stop, Franks for well...franks!

Nothing like some fatty food before having to be in a swimsuit!

Can't forget the cheese fries!

Relaxing on the lake

Jerad and Kyle

Now, some wake-surfing pictures.  It's similar to wakeboarding except your feet aren't strapped in.  You just push yourself up on the board, reel yourself in close to the boat, then eventually toss the rope onto the boat and surf on the boat's wake!

Jerad getting up!

Getting close and tossing in the rope

Surf it Cali boy!!  I was so impressed- he's such an athlete!

And falling of course!

My turn- I was shocked I could get up! 

Okay this is kinda fun...

Look at those guns!

Thanks Kyle for a great trip!

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