
After much deliberating, I've decided to start a blog. Jerad and I are so proud of our first home. We are constantly working to improve it, so we thought we'd share our journey with you. Happy renovating!

Monday, August 1, 2011


We got off the ship in Barcelona for our final day in Spain.

The most fantastic monument that was a must-fee for us was La Sagrada Famila.  The construction on this church began in 1882 by a famous architect and artist names Gaudi.  He worked on this church until his death in 1926.  Since then, other architects have contributed to try to complete his original plan.

The church has so many outstanding facets that it was impossible to enjoy them all.  We sat on a bench for a while just trying view all it's different eccentricities.

After enjoy La Sagrada Familia, we made our way down to the port to see the land they developed for hosting the Olympics.  We rested on a beach for a while and took a snooze in the sand.

Then we made our way to the Gothic Quarter to enjoy some tapas for lunch and some SANGRIA at Venus, a hippie cafe!  WOW did it hit the spot!  It was the best Sangira I'd ever had...should have asked for the recipe...

Finally, we ventured to Las Ramblas-  basically a large street with vendors, farmers markets, and shops.  I loved this area!

Herbs for sale-

Candy stations-

Bread bars- 

Eventually we had some tapas for dinner.  YumYumYum!  Jerad and I could definitely live in Spain.  The culture is infectious!


  1. What a great trip! You guys look like you had so much fun! Glad you took the time to get away!

  2. did you guys do your own excursions and site see on your own or did you do excursions provided by the ship at each port?
